MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Terminal Configuration through Webserver
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July 17
The card manager has certain parameters that are required to be configured, for required
behavior of the system. These parameters are explained subsequently.
Renewal of User Card
A smart card has a default expiry date. Once the smart card is expired it is not useful for
verification. Using Renewal of User Card functionality, an administrator can renew a contactless
card that is expired, with the same user data such as User ID, fingerprint, PIN and BIOPIN; stored
in it. By renewing user card, the expiry of the card is reset and card can be used for verification.
This feature is also useful when a user lose his card. In that case, it is recommended to add the
lost card to the Banned list, in order to avoid fraudulent use of the lost card.
Access Path
Webserver > User Management > Users
User data stored must be available in terminal database, the same data is written on
card on renewal.
Card is secured with the same key as on terminal.
Screens & Steps
Figure 308:
Renewal of User Card
Go to Users and Search the user