MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
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July 17
Enable external database: If enabled, the polling mode of the terminal will be
activated, in that case user’s data will be checked with the data stored in external
database. Refer “Polling Mode” for understanding polling mode.
Check access schedule: This indicates whether terminal should check the access
schedule before granting access to the user
Check holiday schedule: This indicates whether terminal should check the holiday
schedule before granting access to the user
Check banned card list: If this parameter is enabled, terminal searches for users card
in banned card list before starting user's authentication. The user’s presented
contactless card serial number is checked against the contactless card serial numbers
stored in the banned card list of the terminal.
Check expiry date: If this parameter is enabled terminal will check the expiry date of
user account.
Enable timed anti passback: If this parameter is enabled then the repeated access
control for a user till Timed Anti Passback Timeout is not allowed on the terminal.
Check additional users: Specifies the number of additional users to check before
granting the access. Set this parameter value to either 0 (no additional users required)
or 1 (one additional user required). When this feature is activated, the terminal
evaluates the access rights with the data of two different users, instead of the data of
only one user. It means that, when access right is based on biometric data check, the
terminal requires the fingerprint of two different users to grant the access.
Transaction logs will contain one line for each of the 2 users control operation but only
second one could be sent as event. If a single user is successfully identified multiple
times, the duplicates are ignored and the terminal again prompts for the additional
user, until the workflow times out. If one of the users fails the workflow is interrupted.
Allow duress finger: This parameter indicates whether to allow duress finger
detection or not. An administrator can select “Alarm only” to allow duress finger. If
set to Alarm only, the standard workflow applies, but an additional "duress finger
detected" event is raised before the eventual user control result.
User record reference: This parameter defines where the references for control are
taken from. Possible values are “Trigger event” or “Terminal”. If set to “Trigger Event”
then reference source is based on trigger event i.e. reference is smartcard for
smartcard trigger source and terminal for other trigger source. If set to “Terminal”
then reference is terminal for all trigger source.
Per user rules: Defines additional rules reference (i.e. rules that add to terminal
defined rules). Possible values are “Disabled”, “Trigger Event” and “Terminal”.
If set to “Disabled”, then only terminal configuration defined controls are