MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Terminal Configuration through Webserver
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July 17
No. of Blocks and Start Block for MIFARE® Cards
It is possible to define the location of the access control data on the contactless card, by
specifying the number of the first block and total number of blocks to read on the card. By
default, the 1st block to read is block # 4 and total number of blocks is #31.
NOTE 1: The value specified for the start block and number of blocks, also applies to the
administrator cards, then ensure that administrator data is stored from the same block number
as user data on user cards and on given number of blocks.
NOTE 2: In case of 1 K MIFARE®, an administrator can set start block no. 4 to block 48. In case
of 4 K MIFARE®, an administrator can set start block no. 4 to block 216.
Access Path
Webserver > Control Configuration > Contactless Card > TLV contactless card configuration >
MIFARE Start Block
Screens & Steps
Figure 311:
Setting No. of Block & Start Block
Select No. of Blocks & Start Block
Press on Save button to save changes