MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Erase Template Database The administrator turns this as ON/OFF. When ON, all the
templates enrolled and saved in the MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal will be
deleted on Tamper detection.
Play MMI The administrator can set this as ON if it is required to play a sound alarm on
tamper detection. The audio file uploaded by the administrator in the system will be
Erase Security Data The administrator can set this as ON or OFF. When this parameter
is set as ON, then on tamper detection, the custom site keys stored for all contactless
cards will be deleted and reset to the default value.
Use “
” button to Save
Once the Tamper Parameters are configured, possible intrusions can be detected and personal
data theft can be prevented. When tamper is triggered, sound alarm is played. Additionally all
of the above mentioned actions if configured as ON, shall be carried out. Once the anti-tamper
switches are closed, it is required to set the tamper state as “Cleared and Re-enabled”. Only
then the tamper alarm will be stopped and terminal will be accessible.