MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
This document and the information therein are the property of Morpho. They must not
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July 17
Refer to “Recommended Conditions for Face Detection” for knowing the correct position of the
user and required lighting conditions in order to achieve correct face detection.
User Rule Check: This parameter defines the user rule check flow, whether to apply
the user rules configured on terminal or on trigger event. The possible values are
“Disabled”, “Trigger Event” and “Terminal”.
Figure 220:
User Rule Check
If the per user rule (ucc.per_user_rule) is defined to Terminal then Terminal will verify user data
(source of data defined from ucc.user_record_reference) based on User Rule configured in
Terminal (reference:
). If User Rule is set to “Trigger Event”, the
configuration/details from which user control is initiated are applied. The default value of “User
Rule Check” is “Disable”.