MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
Terminal User Interface
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July 17
Finger removed too early
The terminal emits this signal when the finger is removed before the end of biometric data
Waiting for a finger
The enrolment sequence is launched and the terminal is waiting for a user to place a finger on
the biometric sensor.
Acquisition in process
The user has placed a finger on the biometric sensor and is awaiting completion of the
acquisition process (notified by the Acquisition complete event).
Current positioning - Acquisition complete (but not enrolment sequence)
The current acquisition is complete and the user may remove their finger from the terminal.
Current capture complete – Remove finger from terminal to proceed with next finger
The current capture is complete and the user is invited to remove the finger from the terminal.
The next capture will not start until the finger has been removed from the terminal.
Current finger – Acquisition complete (but not enrolment sequence)
The current finger acquisition has completed with success and the user has just removed finger
from the terminal. If acquisition of another finger is required, the terminal will emit the Waiting
for finger signal.
Enrolment complete