MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Transaction Log
The MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal records each event taken place on a terminal. The
events that can be logged are:
Access granted to the user
Access denied to the user
Time and Attendance actions
Occurrence of an Error
Face detection captured and picture stored
NOTE: The events that user has cancelled are not logged
All events are recorded in a local file. The log created has various information fields, such as
User ID, Name of User, Role of User; Time of trigger, Biometric Matching Score, etc.
The MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal can store up to 100,000 transaction logs in the
database, by default. However, the administrator can increase the capacity of storing logs in
terminal database by installing “Log licenses”.
The administrator has to export logs using Morpho Bio Tool Box, webserver or a USB mass
storage device In order to view transaction logs. Refer to “Export Data in USB Mass Storage
Device” under USB Menu Section.
The administrator needs to refer to the subsequent sections in order to understand the
parameters that can be configured in the ‘Transaction Log’. The administrator who has full
Admin Rights to access terminal can able to configure these parameters.
NOTE: We recommend to regularly retrieve and erase transaction logs. Keep too many logs
inside the terminal could make it slow down.