Getting Started
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
1. Press the "REF" softkey at the "Parameter view".
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens an entry box to enter the reference level.
2. Enter a reference level of -25 dBm.
The R&S Spectrum Rider reduces the reference level by 5 dB.
The maximum trace value is close to the maximum scale value of the measurement
diagram. The increase in the displayed noise floor is minimal. The difference between
the signal maximum and the displayed noise (i.e. the dynamic range) has, however,
been increased.
Using markers
The R&S Spectrum Rider has markers to read out signal levels and frequencies. Mark-
ers are always positioned on the trace. Both the level and frequency at their current
positions are displayed on the screen.
► Press the [MARKER] key.
The R&S Spectrum Rider activates a marker and puts it on the maximum value on
the trace. The coordinates of the marker are shown in a table above the measure-
ment diagram.
A red vertical line represents the position of the marker on the horizontal axis (i.e.
the frequency). A small red horizontal dash represents the marker position on the
vertical axis (i.e. the level).
Measuring the frequency
The trace consists of 711 measurement points (frequency points). The marker is
always positioned on one of these measurement points. The R&S Spectrum Rider cal-
culates the marker frequency from the frequency of the measurement point, the center
frequency and the frequency span that have been set. The measurement-point resolu-
Trying Out the Instrument