Getting Started
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
It displays measurement results of the followings:
GPS information
Marker values
– Including marker function such as marker noise measurement, frequency coun-
ter and N dB down bandwidth measurement when activated.
Limit lines
Channel table
When the marker measurement is enabled and selected in the "Measurement result
view", an entry box for marker positioning is displayed. On the selected marker, you
can also see that the function measurement result is displayed in the "Measurement
result view", e.g. "Frequency Count".
The selected marker is highlighted in the "Measurement result view", it is also reflected
on the marker in the "Measurement trace window".
Table 3-2: Highlighted marker
Highlighted marker in the "Measurement result
Highlighted marker in the "Measurement trace
Note: There is a blue frame on the highlighted "M1"
For more information on marker measurement, see
Measurement Trace Window
The "Measurement trace window" is the main user interface window in R&S Spectrum
Rider. It displays the measurement traces where markers and limit lines are also dis-
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