Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
1. Press the [SWEEP] key.
2. Select the "Trigger" softkey.
3. Select the "Gated Trigger" menu item.
In order to get appropriate results, you have to set the gate delay and gate length
in a way that the measurement is active during the interesting part of the signal.
You can also modify the sweep time in order to match the horizontal axis to the
length of the signal and thus set the gate delay and gate length parameters more
The gate delay parameter defines the time between the trigger event and the
beginning of the actual measurement. The gate length defines the duration of the
measurement, before it is interrupted and the next gate signal is anticipated to
resume the measurement.
4. Press the [SWEEP] key.
5. Select the "Trigger" softkey.
6. Select the "Gate Settings" menu item.
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens a softkey submenu to control the gate settings. At
the same time, the R&S Spectrum Rider switches into time domain, as indicated in
the display. See
(time domain).
7. Select the "Manual SWT" softkey and set the sweep time in a way that the portion
of interest of the signal is visible on the screen.
8. Select the "Gate Delay" softkey.
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens an input field to define the trigger delay.
9. Enter the delay time you need.
The measurement now starts after the delay time has passed.
10. Select the "Gate Length" softkey.
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens an input field to define the gate length.
11. Enter the length of the gate.
The R&S Spectrum Rider now measures over the period of the gate length. After
the gate has closed, the R&S Spectrum Rider waits with the measurement until the
next gate signal happens.
The delay time and gate length are represented by vertical blue lines in the dia-
gram area.
12. After setting the gate delay and gate length, exit the gate settings menu with any of
function keys
The R&S Spectrum Rider returns to the frequency domain provided it was active
before setting up the gated trigger. The original span is restored. The R&S Spec-
trum Rider is ready to perform measurements with an accurately set gate. See
(frequency domain).
Configuring Spectrum Measurements