Remote Commands
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
Figure 13-4: Instrument model in the case of remote control
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Input Unit
The input unit receives commands character by character from the controller and col-
lects them in the input buffer. The input unit sends a message to the command recog-
nition as soon as the input buffer is full or as soon as it receives a delimiter, <PRO-
GRAM MESSAGE TERMINATOR>, as defined in IEEE 488.2, or the interface mes-
sage DCL.
If the input buffer is full, the traffic is stopped and the data received up to then are pro-
cessed. Subsequently the traffic is continued. If, however, the buffer is not yet full when
receiving the delimiter, the input unit can already receive the next command during
command recognition and execution. The receipt of DCL clears the input buffer and
immediately resets the command recognition.
Command Recognition
The command recognition analyses the data received from the input unit. It proceeds
in the order in which it receives the data. Only DCL is serviced with priority, for exam-
Instrument Model and Command Processing