Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
The scrollbar icon on the right side of the spectrogram indicates the position of the
spectrogram part currently displayed on the screen:
A single down arrow in the right lower corner of the spectrogram indicates that the
uppermost frame still represents the most recently recorded trace.
Two arrows (one up, one down) indicate that the spectrogram area displayed is
somewhere in the middle of the available history.
A single up arrow in the upper right corner of the spectrogram indicates that the
lowest line of the spectrogram represents the end of the history buffer.
Configuring the Display
As colors are an important part of the spectrogram, the R&S Spectrum Rider offers
various ways to customize the display for best viewing results.
The first and most obvious way to configure the display is to select a different color
1. Press the [MEAS] key.
2. Select the "Settings" softkey.
3. Select the "Display" softkey.
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens a submenu that contains the display settings for
4. Select the "Color Table" menu item.
The R&S Spectrum Rider opens a submenu that contains several color schemes.
● "Default"
● "Green-Yellow"
● "Green-Blue"
● "Black-White"
● "Red-Purple"
● "Blue-Black"
The following examples are based on the "Green-Blue" color scheme.
1. Select the color scheme that you are most comfortable with.
The R&S Spectrum Rider adjusts the screen colors according to your selection.
It is possible that the color distribution is not ideal in the current configuration.
There are two important parameters that are required to adjust for an optimal spec-
trogram display.
● Reference level
By adjusting the reference level, you can eliminate amplitudes from the color
map that are not part of the signal.
Performing Spectrum Measurements