Remote Commands
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
status = viOpenDefaultRM(defaultRM)
'open default resource manager
status = viOpen(DefaultRM, "TCPIP::", 0, 0,
'in case of USB connection
status = viopen(DefaultRM, "", 0, 0,
'in case of a LAN connection, with = IP address
cmd = "*RST;*CLS"
status = viWrite(vi, Cmd, Len(Cmd), retCount)
'reset instrument and clear status registers
cmd = "FREQ:CENT 100MHz"
status = viWrite(vi, Cmd, Len(Cmd), retCount)
'set center frequency to 100 MHz
cmd = "FREQ:SPAN 10MHz"
status = viWrite(vi, Cmd, Len(Cmd), retCount)
'set span to 10 MHz
cmd = "DISP:TRAC:Y:RLEV -10dBm"
status = viWrite(vi, Cmd, Len(Cmd), retCount)
'set reference level to -10 dBm
viclose vi
viclose default RM
The instrument now performs a sweep in the frequency range of 95 MHz to 105 MHz.
Changing the IP Address
In order to operate the instrument via remote control, it must be accessed via LAN (IP
address) or USB (fixed IP address). If the factory-set remote control address does not
fit in the network environment, it can be changed.
Chapter 3.2.8, "Connecting the R&S Spectrum Rider to a PC"
instructions on how to change the IP address.
Instrument Model and Command Processing
The block diagram in
shows how SCPI commands are serviced in the
instrument. The individual components work independently and simultaneously. They
communicate with each other by means of so-called "messages".
Instrument Model and Command Processing