Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
Spectrum Analyzer Mode
The default operating mode of the R&S Spectrum Rider is the spectrum analyzer. The
spectrum analyzer provides the functionality to perform measurements in the fre-
quency domain, e.g. to identify the power of signals.
Performing Spectrum Measurements
Configuring Spectrum Measurements
Performing Spectrum Measurements
In addition to basic spectrum measurements, the R&S Spectrum Rider provides sev-
eral specific measurements. These measurements, also in combination with one of the
available accessories, allow you to perform advanced and more complex measure-
ment tasks.
Measuring Basic Signal Characteristics
Basic spectrum measurements determine the spectrum of a signal in the frequency
domain or keep track of a signal in the time domain. They provide a basic overview of
the input signal characteristics.
Frequency domain
In the frequency domain, the R&S Spectrum Rider analyzes the input signal character-
istics over a particular span. You can use it, for example, to obtain basic measurement
results like peak levels and the shape of the spectrum.
The horizontal axis shows the frequency, the vertical axis shows the signal levels.
The measurement in the frequency domain is the default measurement mode.
Time domain
In the time domain, the R&S Spectrum Rider analyzes the characteristics of a signal at
a particular frequency over time. The span during time domain measurements is zero
(zero span mode). You can use time domain measurements, for example to monitor
the characteristics of a signal.
The horizontal axis shows the time, the vertical axis shows the signal levels.
To perform a time domain measurement, you have to set the span to zero manually.
Performing Spectrum Measurements