VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
For a multiport Touchstone file
, either a full multiport system error
correction or a complete set of n
S-parameter traces must be available.
If the port configuration contains balanced ports, the exported Touchstone file
contains the converted single-ended S-parameters unless you enable "Bal-
anced Params" during export.
Export of balanced (symmetric) S-parameters must be enabled. If you want to
export balanced S-parameters, make sure that all these parameters are mea-
sured, and that for each involved balanced port both physical ports are part of
the export.
This type of export can be initiated from the GUI by using the "s<n>p Port ..." or
"snp Free Config. ..." functions of the
Renormalization of S-parameters
Renormalization means that the S-parameters at connector impedances are converted
to S-parameters at certain target impedances.
During Touchstone export, the S-parameters can be renormalized in two ways:
Common target impedance
<reference resistance>
of the
is taken as common target
impedance and the data is renormalized to the common target impedance, regard-
less of the reference impedances of the involved ports.
If the impedances of all involved ports are identical, the analyzer sets the
<reference resistance>
in the
to the real part of this impedance.
Otherwise it sets it to 50 (Ω).
In this case, the reference impedances of the individual ports are used for the
renormalization and these impedances are documented in the
comment. If the port-specific reference impedances are different, an
additional warning is added to this comment, indicating that the option line contains
a non-matching reference resistance.
that when reimporting this type of file into standard applications (including the
ZNL/ZNLE itself), the
<reference resistance>
of the Touchstone option
line is used and the impedance system underlying the data is not interpreted cor-
ASCII (*.csv) files
An ASCII file contains a header and the actual trace data:
Operations on traces