Data management
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Print Screenshot
Selects all measurement results displayed on the screen for the current channel setup
(or "MultiView" ): diagrams, traces, markers, marker lists, limit lines, etc., including the
channel bar and status bar, for printout on a single page. Displayed items belonging to
the software user interface (e.g. softkeys) are not included. The position and size of the
elements in the printout is identical to the display.
Remote command:
Print Multiple Windows
Includes only the selected windows in the printout. All currently active windows for the
current channel setup (or "MultiView" ) are available for selection. How many windows
are printed on a single page of the printout is user-definable (see
This option is only available when printing on a printer or to a PDF file (see
is currently set to an image file or the clipboard, it
is automatically changed to be a PDF file.
Remote command:
Defines an optional comment to be included in the printout of the display. Maximum
120 characters are allowed. Up to 60 characters fit in one line. In the first line, a man-
ual line-feed can be forced at any point by entering "@".
The comment is printed in the top left corner of each printout page. If a comment
should not be printed, it must be deleted.
: The current date and time can be inserted automatically, see
Remote command:
Print Logo
Activates/deactivates the printout of the Rohde & Schwarz company logo in the upper
right corner.
Remote command:
Print Page Count
Includes the page number for printouts consisting of multiple windows (
Remote command:
Print Dialog
Includes any currently displayed dialog in the screenshot printout.
Creating screenshots of current measurement results and settings