VNA concepts and features
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Because the ICC does not support hot plugging of ICUs, connect the ICUs to the ICC
before connecting the ICC to the R&S
The VNA firmware supports:
Pulling characterization data for the connected ICUs from the ICC
Interpolation and extrapolation of factory ICU characterization data to match the
current ICU temperature
Performing user characterizations of ICUs:
Embedding the Through standard of the ICU into its Open, Short, and Match
Storing the resulting characterization on the ICU
Performing full n-port system calibrations using n ICUs
Performing system (re-)calibrations
The characterization and calibration functionality for standard calibration units is
also used for ICUs.
Embedding the Through into the ICU's OSM standards is necessary, because the
ICU remains in situ. For this reason, during ICU characterizations the Through
measurement is mandatory.
1. Configure the ICS as required, connecting all the ICUs to the ICC via CAN bus.
2. Connect the ICC to the VNA via USB.
3. Perform user characterizations of the connected ICUs (optional).
a) Attach the cabling/adapters that are required to connect both ports of an ICU to
the VNA.
b) Calibrate this setup using a manual calibration kit or a calibration unit – without
connecting the ICUs
c) Connect the ICUs and proceed with the user characterization.
4. Perform an initial (automatic) calibration of your test setup.
a) Select the ICS as calibration unit.
b) Assign the correct ICUs to the related ports.
c) Select suitable characterization data for each ICU.
d) For factory characterizations, activate temperature compensation (optional).
e) Start the calibration.