VNA GUI reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Show Border
If enabled, the border of the Display Circle is shown whenever the related trace is dis-
played in complex format.
Remote command:
Limit to Circle On/Off
If enabled, only trace points within the configured "Display Circle" are shown, when-
ever the related trace is displayed in complex format. At the same time, the active limit
tests (line, circle) are restricted to the configured "Display Circle".
left ("FAIL")
= "Circle Test" enabled, but not limited to "Display Circle"
right ("PASS") = "Circle Test" enabled, but limited to "Display Circle"
Remote command:
Clear Circle
Resets the "Display Circle" to its default configuration (unit circle; show border: off; limit
to circle: off)
Remote command:
Draw Circle / Radius, Center X, Center Y
Defines the Display Circle – either by drawing it in the diagram area or by providing its
radius and center.
Remote command:
Horiz. Line tab
Shows or hides a horizontal line associated to the active trace in a cartesian diagram
area. The line can be moved to particular trace points to retrieve the response values.
It also shows which parts of a trace are above or below a definite response value.
Display Lines softtool