Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
// @TRACEFILE:scorr10.dat
// :CALCulate1:DATA? SCORr10
:CALCulate1:DATA? SCORr11
:CALCulate1:DATA? SCORr1
Performing a new calibration, recalling the error terms
// Reset the analyzer
// Set frequency range
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:STARt 1GHz
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:STOP 4GHz
:SENSe1:SWEep:POINts 6
// Select calibration type: TOSM at ports 1 and 2
:SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:METHod:DEFine 'XYZ', TOSM, 1, 2
// Generate a set of default correction data, switch on user calibration
// In the previous section, the following error terms were saved:
// SCORR1 Forward Directivity
// SCORR2 Forward Source Match
// SCORR3 Forward Reflection Tracking
// SCORR4 Forward Isolation
// SCORR5 Forward Load Match
// SCORR6 Forward Transmission Tracking
// SCORR7 Reverse Directivity
// SCORR8 Reverse Source Match
// SCORR9 Reverse Reflection Tracking
// SCORR10 Reverse Isolation
// SCORR11 Reverse Load Match
// SCORR12 Reverse Transmission Tracking
// Equivalences between the first parameter of CALculate:DATA
// and the first 3 Parameters of SENSe:CORRection:CDATa
// 'SCORR1' 'DIRECTIVITY', 1, 0 <Port 2> = 0 ignored
// 'SCORR2' 'SRCMATCH', 1, 0 <Port 2> = 0 ignored
// 'SCORR3' 'REFLTRACK', 1, 0 <Port 2> = 0 ignored
// 'SCORR4' 'ISOLATION', 1, 2
// 'SCORR5' 'LOADMATCH', 1, 2
// 'SCORR6' 'TRANSTRACK', 1, 2
// 'SCORR7' 'DIRECTIVITY', 2, 0 <Port 2> = 0 ignored
VNA programming examples