Command reference
User Manual 1178.5966.02 ─ 19
Setting parameters:
THRough | OPEN1 | OPEN2 | OPEN12 | SHORt1 | SHORt2 |
SHORt12 | MATCh1 | MATCh2 | MATCh12 | NET | ATT |
IMATch12 | REFL1 | REFL2 | SLIDe1 | SLIDe2 | SLIDe12 |
LINe1 | LINe2 | LINe3 | M1O2 | O1M2 | OSHort1 | OSHort11 |
OSHort12 | OSHort13 | OSHort2 | OSHort21 | OSHort22 |
OSHort23 | M1S2 | S1M2 | UTHRough
Standard types: Through (between port 1 and 2), Open, Short,
Match (MATCh12 and IMATch12 are synonymous), Symmetric
Network (NET), Attenuation (ATT), Reflect, Sliding Match
(SLIDe), Line1 (LINe1 and LINE are synonymous), Line2 and
Line3 (esp. for TRL calibration), Match/Open (M1O2, O1M2),
Match/Short (M1S2, S1M2), Offset Short (OSHort), Unknown
Through (UTHRough).
The numbers in the parameter names denote the analyzer ports.
Two numbers 12 mean that two separate calibrations are per-
formed at ports 1 and 2. For Offset Short standards, the first
number denotes the port (1 or 2), the second number denotes
the number of the standard (1 to 3).
Optional status parameter for UTHRough standard:
OFF - unknown through standard is non-dispersive.
ON - unknown through standard is dispersive.
Optional entry of delay time or phase for UTHRough standard:
<numeric> - entry of the delay time in ps (for non-dispersive
standards) or of an estimate of the phase at the start frequency
of the sweep in deg (for dispersive standards). See also back-
ground information for
AUTO - the analyzer determines the delay time or phase during
the calibration sweep.
Setting only
Selects a one-port or two-port calibration type for channel
at ports 1/2.
to select the calibration type for arbitrary analyzer ports or a multiport
calibration type.
Channel number of the calibrated channel.
VNA command reference