Id.-Nr.: 1556.212 .1-07
Appendix: Tutorial - creating an IEC project
Fig. 18.38:
Started sample project
Create and execute the simulation of a
It is possible to create and execute a simulation of the control via MotionOne 3.
Therefore a simulation service must be installed and running.
Start the file "setup.exe" in the directory
of the delivered DVD. Follow the installation instructions.
The simulation service must not be installed within a "virtual machine, since
it is a "virtual machine" itself. Therefore a correct execution is not possible
with a "virtual machine".
After successful installation the simulation service symbol appears in the
right area of the task bar.
Create simulation
To create the simulation, open the context menu of the PLC and select the menu
Create Simulation
or select the menu item
Manage Simulations
in the toolbar.
This opens a dialog in which the following configurations can be carried out.
Fig. 18.39:
Dialog for the creation of a simulation
Name/PLC Name
This name will be used to identify a simulation for start and stop.
The name must be unique and the dialog will assist by showing
an information if a name is already in use. This name will also be
used in the communication settings to set the simulation active.
An additional information that can help when managing simula-
Optional Packages
The optional PLC packages which should be used can be se-
lected in the following dialog.
• Managed by simulation service: with this option the created
simulation will be stored in a directory on the machine where
the service is hosted.
• Local storage path: a local path can be set where the new
simulation will be stored. Nevertheless a local simulation ser-
vice is necessary to run a local simulation.
A local simulation will only be visible in the Mo-
tionOne 3 in
Manage Simulations
if the simulation is
Build settings
Depending on the used devices and features in the project will be
the build settings available.