Id.-Nr.: 1556.212 .1-07
Appendix: Tutorial - creating an IEC project
Fig. 18.30:
Dialog "Variable Declaration" with entered variable name and data type
The created command (declaration of a variable) is inserted in the top part of the edi-
tor. The command for this cyclical value change of this variable must be inserted
manually in the programming area of the editor below:
x := x + 1;
The finished code in the MotionCenter editor looks as follows:
Fig. 18.31:
Simple program in MotionCenter
After creating the program, a task must be created in which the program module
needs to be processed. To do so, right click on
in the project tree and
Add Object > Task Configuration...
. A dialogue opens, which can be used to
create a node for several tasks in the project tree. Via
the node is set up in the
project tree under
Application > Task Configuration
, which already contains a task.
It is automatically opened in the work area.
Fig. 18.32:
Task configuration
The priority and interval of the task can be set in this window and the desired pro-
gram module can be appended. The allocation of the POU takes place via
Add +
. A dialog opens in which the desired POU is selected and appended to the task.