Id.-Nr.: 1556.212 .1-07
System overview
DriveManager is used for configuration, parameterization and diagnosis of
Scope for diagnosis:
With the help of MotionCenterScope, variables may be monitored, recorded, and
displayed. In contrast to a debugger no program interruption is required. Vari-
ables can be presented as tables, diagrams, or 3D views. The following basic
features are available:
recording of PLC- and RobotControl variables
triggers (pre- and post triggers)
diagrams: variable monitor, event monitor, X vs. Time diagram, X vs. Y dia-
gram, 3D-view.
These Tools are described in more detail in the following chapters.
The MotionCenter development environment offers a comfortable user interface with
the following functions:
Configuration and parameterization of the MotionOne system (including the PLC
Offline creating of robot sequence programs
Programming according to IEC 61131-3
Integrated module libraries (see library descriptions)
Library administrator for integrating additional libraries
Simulation mode (enables projects to be tested on the PC without PLC)
Debugging functions (testing program sequence, monitoring and modifying vari-
ables, error search).
Programming languages
MotionCenter offers all 5 programming languages standardized in EN 61131-3.
There are two textual and three graphic programming languages. Each of these lan-
guages has specific characteristics that are ideally suited for carrying out specific
tasks. Furthermore MotionCenter offers the extension "Function block diagram
Programming language
Instruction List
Textual programming lan-
The instruction list enables
the programmer to describe
the work processes of control
tasks with simple instructions.
The structure of the language
enables complex tasks to be
carried out efficiently.
Structured text
Structured text comes closest
to the programming lan-
guages Pascal and C used
for the PC. It consists of a se-
ries of instructions that can be
executed in high-level lan-
guage ("IF..THEN..ELSE") or
in loops (WHILE..DO).
Sequential Function Chart
Graphic programming lan-
Enables programming of se-
quences and is therefore
suited for structuring and ar-
ranging of projects.
The Sequential Function
Chart describes the temporal
sequence of the various steps
within the program with transi-
tions and connections.
Function block diagram
Allow programming with logi-
cal symbols. It is very suitable
for logic controls.
Continous graphic Function
In addition, based on the
function chart there is the
continuous graphic function
chart (CFC) in which ele-
ments can be placed freely
and feedback can be inserted
Ladder Diagram
The ladder diagram was de-
veloped from the circuit dia-
gram. The representation of a
ladder diagram program re-
sembles a circuit diagram -
relative to the representation
of the logical links.