The current BiSS position at the end, after the encoder gearing, is output in
parameter P 598[0] - ENC_CH1_Position after being converted to increments (32-
Parameter P 622 [0] - ENC_ CH1_ BISSProtocolType is used to select the BiSS
protocol type. This is always necessary if Mode 0 "Autodetect" cannot be used for
special BiSS encoders.
Parameter P 618[0] - ENC_CH1_AbsCRCPoly indicates the BiSS-CRC polynomial
used for the single-cycle data (SCD) (position data from the encoder). In this case,
the decimal value of 33, for instance, corresponds to the polynomial value of 0x21
hex (x^5 + x^0).
Parameter P 619[0] - ENC_CH1_AbsCRCInv indicates whether the CRC bits of the
single-cycle data (SCD) are to be transmitted inversely (value 1).
Evaluation of the status bits F0 and F1 of the single-cycle data (SCD)
In the case of the BiSS-C protocol, status bits F0 and F1 are transmitted in the single-
cycle data (SCD) and can be evaluated as follows. In addition, the bits can be
displayed via the scope variable ENC_CH1_StatusWord (ID 1600).
Masking of the status bits F0 and F1 using parameter P 620 [0] - ENC_ CH1_
AbsErrMask for evaluation:
Triggers the standard encoder error 35-8.
Error reaction (35) Reac_EncObs (encoder monitoring) can be used to respond to
this error (default: ServoHalt).
Masking of the status bits F0 and F1 using parameter P 621 [0] - ENC_ CH1_
AbsWarnMask for evaluation:
Triggers the encoder status error 51-1.
Error response (51) Reac_EncStatus (Warning- or Error bit set by Encoder) can be
used to respond to this error/warning (default: Ignore).
Evaluation of selected BiSS encoders
ID No.: 0842.26B.5-01 Date: 09.2020
ServoOne - Device Help
6 Encoder
The slave address range is defined in only a very limited manner for BiSS (across all
BiSS): it merely includes a so-called slave device ID (also called type ID) which is
defined in a range of 8 bytes as of address 78 hex (6 bytes for the assembly and 2
bytes for the manufacturer). Other address ranges are only specified in a
manufacturer- specific manner. The servo controller BiSS interface under
consideration therefore only identifies selected types of BiSS encoders
automatically. The respective special properties of these encoders are implicitly
known to the interface to a sufficient extent.
Evaluation of unknown BiSS encoders
In order to support unknown BiSS encoders, the ability to configure them manually
has been implemented. If a BiSS-C encoder is identified during initialisation that is
not known implicitly, then the encoder data cannot be read from the encoder via the
interface. In this case, the parameters of the encoder data are also not overwritten
with the data from the encoder. Instead, the interface is initialised explicitly with the
configured data from the parameters. The data must be taken from the data sheet of
the BiSS encoder. This allows the cyclical transmission of the position to be
initialised correctly in an alternative manner.
The specified values are taken from the following parameters:
P 543[0] - ENC_CH1_MultiT, P 543[0] - ENC_CH1_SingleT, P 618[0] - ENC_CH1_
AbsCRCPoly and P 619[0] - ENC_CH1_AbsCRCInv.
6.5.3 EnDat (cyclical) X7
Ch1: ENDAT(4) - Cyclical EnDat (2.1 or 2.2)
EnDat is a digital encoder interface developed by HEIDENHAIN. For more details,
please visit
and go to ►Documentation ►Fundamentals
►Interfaces ►EnDat 2.2..