5 Motor
Chapter overview
►Project tree ►Device setup ►Motor
Brief description
The following chapter describes the steps used to calculate
parameters for, identify, and configure motors, as well as their
protection mechanisms and brake.
5.7 Support for motor filters when using PMSM motors
ID No.: 0842.26B.5-01 Date: 09.2020
ServoOne - Device Help
5 Motor
5.1 Motor configuration data
Image 5.1: "Motor data and control settings" screen
Each motor can only be operated if its field model and the control parameters are
correctly set. Using the standard motors and encoders from the KEBA motors
catalogue, a system can be commissioned and put into operation very quickly and
easily. Third-party motors can of course be used as well. As the field models of those
motors are not known, the motor must be identified by type or calculated. The
selection is made with the preceding “Motor data and control settings” screen.