7.8.2 LHMES(2) method
Image 7.39: “Auto commutation LHMES(2)” screen
With this method, saturation effects in stator inductance are evaluated. Two test
signal sequences are used for this purpose, whereby the position of the rotor axis is
ID No.: 0842.26B.5-01 Date: 09.2020
ServoOne - Device Help
7 Control
known after the first sequence and the direction of movement after the second. This
method is suitable for determining the rotor position with braked rotors or motors with
a high mass inertia.
The test signal period (measurement frequency) is defined with
P 392[2] -
. If this value is 0, the controller uses a default test signal
frequency of 100 Hz (period 10 ms).
The test signal’s amplitude (current I0) is defined with
P 393[0] - CON_
. If the value is 0, the amplitude is derived from the motor rated
current. If an amplitude greater than the switching frequency-dependent
power stage current is specified, the amplitude is limited to half the power
stage current.
The test signal’s DC component (current I1) is defined with
P 393[1] - CON_
. If this value is 0, the equal portion is determined from the
motor rated current.
A simple parameter setting is obtained by specifying the value 0
P 392[2] - CON_ICOM_Time
P 393[0] - CON_ICOM_Current
P 393[1] - CON_ICOM_Current
. The parameters are then
assigned default values which are derived from the motor/power
stage current. Then the measurement is performed.
In order to be able to use the complex LHMES auto commutation
method to its full extent, you will need to consult with KEBA .
The rotor must be securely braked so that it will not be able to move when the rated
current is applied. The stator of the machine must be iron-core.