Control mode
“Control mode” does
refer to the motor control here (see
Section "Control" on page 110), but rather to the source that will
specify the table index!
P 205[0] - MPRO_TAB_Mode is used to define which source will specify the table
PARA (0) = via current index (parameter no. 207)
The value written to P 207[0] - MPRO_TAB_ActIdx (via a fieldbus, for
example) will immediately be applied as the current table index and the
corresponding driving job will be carried out.
TERM (1) = via terminals
A bit pattern that will be applied as the value for the table index will be
specified via digital inputs. In order to be able to select all 16 table entries,
four digital inputs with TAB0(23) = Binary table index 2^0 to TAB3(26) =
Binary table index 2^3 need to be configured. For details on configuring the
digital inputs, see Section "Digital inputs" on page 303.
AUTO (2) = via time delay (parameter no. 204)
Automatic processing of follow-up driving jobs. The number of driving jobs
entered in parameter P 206[0] - MPRO_Tab_MaxIdx is processed in
sequence. This operation is repeated until the drive is stopped or the table is
disabled. There will be a wait time of P 204 - MPRO_TAB_WaitTime
between the individual driving jobs.
BUS (3) = via fieldbus
Selection of a table value via PROFIBUS. No other field bus systems are
implemented. For details on PROFIBUS, see Section "PROFIBUS /
ID No.: 0842.26B.5-01 Date: 09.2020
ServoOne - Device Help
8 Motion profile
AUTO_COMPLETE (4) = via auto complete mode (parameter no. 204)
As with "AUTO (2)", as long as the input is set, the table will be executed.
After being deactivated, the entire table will be run through to the end once
With ...
P 195 - MPRO_TAB_TRef
(for torque control) or
P 198 - MPRO_TAB_SRef
(for speed control) or
P 202 - MPRO_TAB_PRef
(for position control)
and indexes 0–15, the setpoint for each individual motion task can be defined.
In "Infinite positioning" mode the speed can be specified signed. It is limited by P 328
[0] - CON_SCON_SMax (for details, see Section "Speed- / velocity limits" on page
If the Servo controller is run with motor control mode "PCON(3) = Position control
mode" (for information on the setting, see Section "Basic settings" on page 112), the
“Mode” and “Speed” lines will be added to the “Setpoint table” screen.