Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
scans using iChecker and iSwift. By operating this way, the program
rules out scanning files twice.
The scan process now runs as a background task, enabling the user to
continue using the computer. If there is a competition for system re-
sources, the virus scan will pause until the user‟s operation is com-
pleted and then resumes at the point where it left off.
Individual tasks are provided for scanning Critical Areas of the computer
and startup objects that could cause serious problems if infected and for
detecting rootkits used to hide malware on your system. You can confi-
gure these tasks to run automatically every time the system is started.
E-mail protection from malicious programs has been significantly im-
proved. The program scans these protocols for emails containing virus-
IMAP, SMTP, POP3, regardless of which email client you use
NNTP, regardless of the email client
Regardless of the protocol (including MAPI and HTTP), using plug-
ins for Microsoft Office Outlook and The Bat!
Special plug-ins are available for the most common mail clients, such as
Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail),
and The Bat! that can configure mail protection from viruses directly in
the mail client.
The user notification function (see 15.9.1 on pg. 183) has been ex-
panded for certain events that arise during program operation. You can
select the method of notification yourselves for each of these event
types: e-mails, sound notifications, pop-up messages.
The program now has the ability to scan traffic sent over SSL protocol.
New features included application self-defense technology, protection
from unauthorized remote access of Kaspersky Anti-Virus services, and
password protection for program settings. These features help keep
malicious programs, hackers, and unauthorized users from disabling
The option of creating a rescue disk has been added. Using this disk,
you can restart your operating system after a virus attack and scan it for
malicious objects.
A News Agent has been added. It is a module designed for real-time
delivery of news content from Kaspersky Lab.