Appendix B
Junk mail filtering;
Scans incoming and outgoing e-mails and attachments;
Scans all e-mails on Microsoft Exchange Server for viruses, including
shared folders;
Processes e-mails, databases, and other objects for Lotus
Notes/Domino servers;
Filters e-mails by attachment type;
Quarantines suspicious objects;
Easy-to-use administration system for the program;
Prevents virus outbreaks;
Monitors protection system status using notifications;
Reporting system for program operation;
scalability of the software package within the scope of system re-
sources available ;
automatic database updates.
Kaspersky Security for Internet Gateways
This program provides secure access to the Internet for all an organization's em-
ployees, automatically deleting malware and riskware from the data incoming on
HTTP/FTP. The solution includes:
Kaspersky Administration Kit.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Proxy Server.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft ISA Server.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Check Point FireWall-1.
Its features include:
Reliable protection from malicious or potentially dangerous programs;
Scans Internet traffic (HTTP/FTP) in real time;
Filters Internet traffic using a trusted server list, object types, and user
Quarantines suspicious objects;
Easy-to-use administration system;
Reporting system for program operation;