Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
Web Anti-Virus
is specially designed to combat these risks, by intercepting
and blocking scripts on web sites if they pose a threat, and by thoroughly
monitoring all HTTP traffic.
Proactive Defense
The number of malicious programs grows daily. Such programs become
more complex combining several types of threats and modifying delivery
routes. They become ever more difficult to detect.
To detect a new malicious program before it has time to do any damage,
Kaspersky Lab has developed a special component,
Proactive Defense
. It is
designed to monitor and analyze the behavior of all installed programs on
your computer. Kaspersky Anti-
Virus decides, based on the program‟s ac-
tions: is it potentially dangerous? Proactive Defense protects your computer
both from known viruses and from new ones that have yet to be discovered.
Virus scan tasks
In addition to constantly monitoring all potential pathways for malicious pro-
grams, it is extremely important to periodically scan your computer for viruses.
This is required to stop the spread of malicious programs not detected by real-
time protection components because of the low level of protection selected or for
other reasons.
The following tasks are provided by Kaspersky Anti-Virus to perform virus scans:
Critical Areas
Scans all critical areas of the computer for viruses. These include: system
memory, system startup objects, master boot records,
system folders. The objective is quickly to detect active viruses on the sys-
tem without starting a full computer scan.
My Computer
Scans for viruses on your computer with a through inspection of all disk
drives, memory, and files.
Startup Objects
Scans for viruses in all programs that are loaded automatically on startup,
plus RAM and boot sectors on hard drives.
Rootkit Scan
Scans the computer for rootkits that hide malicious programs in the operat-
ing system. These utilities injected into system, hiding their presence and
the presence of processes, folders, and registry keys of any malicious pro-
grams described in the configuration of the rootkit.