Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
There is also the option to create other virus-scan tasks and create a schedule
for them. For example, you can create a scan task for mailboxes once per week,
or a virus scan task for the
My Documents
In order to always be ready to delete a virus or some other dangerous program,
Kaspersky Anti-Virus needs real-time support.
is designed to do exactly
that. It is responsible for updating databases and application modules utilized by
Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
The update distribution feature enables you to save databases and program
modules retrieved from Kaspersky Lab servers to a local folder and then grant
access to them to other computers on the network to reduce Internet traffic.
Program tools
Kaspersky Anti-Virus includes a number of support tools, which are designed to
provide real-time software support, expanding the capabilities of the program and
assisting you as you go.
Reports and Data Files
At runtime, the application generates a report on each real-time protection
component, virus scan task, and application update. It contains information
on results and operations performed. Details on any Kaspersky Anti-Virus
component are available through the
feature. In the event of prob-
lems, such reports may be forwarded to Kaspersky Lab for our specialists to
take a closer look at the situation and provide assistance as soon as possi-
All suspicious objects are placed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus in a special area
known as
where they are stored in an encrypted format to pro-
tect the computer from infection. These objects may be scanned for viruses,
restored to the original location, or deleted. Objects may be placed in qua-
rantine manually. All objects found by the scan to be uninfected are auto-
matically restored to their original location.
Backup Storage holds copies of objects disinfected or deleted by the appli-
. These copies are created in case there is a need to restore objects
or reconstruct the course of their infection. Backups are also stored in an
encrypted format to protect the computer from infection. A backed-up object
may be restored to the original location or deleted.