Protection management system
Figure 11. Creating a trusted zone
Exclusion rules
Exclusion rules
are sets of conditions that Kaspersky Anti-Virus uses to deter-
mine not to scan an object.
You can exclude files of certain formats from the scan, use a file mask, or ex-
clude a certain area, such as a folder or a program, program processes, or ob-
jects according to their Virus Encyclopedia threat type classification.
Threat type
is the status that Kaspersky Anti-Virus assigns to an object dur-
ing the scan. A verdict is based on the classification of malicious and potentially
dangerous programs found in the Kaspersky Lab Virus Encyclopedia.
Potentially dangerous software does not have a malicious function but can be
used as an auxiliary component for a malicious code, since it contains holes and
errors. This category includes, for example, remote administration programs, IRC
clients, FTP servers, all-purpose utilities for stopping or hiding processes, key-
loggers, password macros, autodialers, etc. These programs are not classified
as viruses. They can be divided into several types, e.g. Adware, Jokes, Risk-
ware, etc. (for more information on potentially dangerous programs detected by