Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
Scan archives
– scans .zip, .cab, .rar, and .arj archives.
Scan installation packages
– scans self-extracting archives for viruses.
Scan embedded OLE objects
– scans objects imbedded in files (for exam-
ple, Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets or macros imbedded in a Microsoft
Office Word file, email attachments, etc.).
You can select and scan all files, or only new files, for each type of compound
file. To do so, left-click the link next to the name of the object to toggle its value.
If the
section has been set up only to scan new and modified files,
you will not be able to select the type of compound files to be scanned.
To specify compound files that should not be scanned for viruses, use the follow-
ing settings:
Extract archives in background if larger than... MB
. If the size of a com-
pound object exceeds this restriction, the program will scan it as a single ob-
ject (by analyzing the header) and will return it to the user. The objects that it
contains will be scanned later. If this option is not checked, access to files
larger than the size indicated will be blocked until they have been scanned.
Do not process archives larger than... MB
. With this option checked, files
larger than the size specified will be skipped by the scan.
Defining protection scope
By default, File Anti-Virus scans all files when they are used, regardless of where
they are stored, whether it be a hard drive, CD/DVD-ROM, or flash drive.
You can limit the scope of protection. To do so:
1. Open the application settings window and select
File Anti-Virus
2. Click the
button in the
Security Level
area (see Figure 17).
3. Select
Protection Scope
tab in the resulting dialog (see Figure 19).
The tab displays a list of objects that File Anti-Virus will scan. Protection is
enabled by default for all objects on hard drives, removable media, and network
drives connected to your computer. You can add to and edit the list using the
Add, Edit,
If you want to protect fewer objects, you can do so using the following methods:
1. Specify only folders, drives, and files that need to be protected.
2. Create a list of objects that do not need to be protected.