Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
with the standard tools of the Microsoft Windows operating system (for example,
in the
program window or on your
You can view a complete list of virus scan tasks for your computer by clicking on
in the left-hand pane of the main application window.
You can create a rescue disk (see 15.4 on pg. 171) designed to help recover the
system following a virus attack resulting in operating system file damage and
boot failure. To accomplish this, click on Create Rescue Disk.
Managing virus scan tasks
You can run a virus scan task manually or automatically using a schedule (see
6.7 on pg. 61).
To start a virus scan task manually:
Select the task under
in the application main window and click Start
The tasks currently being performed are displayed in the context menu by
right-clicking on the application icon in the taskbar notification area.
To pause a virus scan task:
Select the under
in the application main window and click Pause. This
will pause the scan until you start the task again manually or it starts again
automatically according to the schedule. For manually task start click
To stop a task:
Select under
in the application main window and click Stop. This will
stop the scan until you start the task again manually or it starts again auto-
matically according to the schedule. The next time you run the task, the pro-
gram will ask if you would like to continue the task where it stopped or begin
it over.
Creating a list of objects to
To view a list of objects to be scanned for a particular task, select the task name
(for example,
My computer
) in the
section of main program window. The
list of objects will be displayed in the right-hand part of the window (see Figure