Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
Kaspersky Anti-Virus includes:
Real-time protection components (see 2.2.1 on pg. 21) providing real-
time protection of all data transfer and input paths through your com-
Virus Scan Tasks (see 2.2.2 on pg. 22) used to scan individual files,
folders, drives, or areas for viruses or to perform a full computer scan.
Updates (see 2.2.3 on pg. 23) to assure currency of internal application
modules and databases used to scan for malware.
Real-Time Protection Components
These protection components defend your computer in real time:
File Anti-Virus
A file system can contain viruses and other dangerous programs. Malicious
programs can remain inactive in computer file system for years after one day
being copied from a floppy disk or from the Internet, without showing them-
selves at all. But you need only act upon the infected file, and the virus is in-
stantly activated.
File Anti-virus
is the component
that monitors your computer‟s file system. It
scans all files that are opened, run, and saved on your computer and any at-
tached drives. The program intercepts every attempt to access a file and
scans the file for known viruses, only making the file available to be used
further if it is not infected or is successfully disinfected by File Anti-Virus. If a
file cannot be disinfected for any reason, it will be deleted, with a copy of the
file either saved in Backup (see 15.2 on pg. 161), or moved to Quarantine
(see 15.1 on pg. 158).
Mail Anti-Virus
Email is widely used by hackers to spread malicious programs, and is one of
the most common methods of spreading worms. This makes it extremely
important to monitor all email.
Mail Anti-Virus
component scans all incoming and outgoing email on
your computer. It analyzes emails for malicious programs, only granting the
addressee access to the email if it is free of dangerous objects.
Web Anti-Virus
Opening various web sites you put your computer at risk for infection with vi-
ruses which will be installed using scripts contained in such web pages as
well as for downloading dangerous objects.