Protection management system
Pausing / Stopping Individual
Protection Components
There are several ways to stop a protection component. Before doing so, you are
strongly advised to establish why you need to stop it. It is likely that the problem
can be solved in another way, for example, by changing the security level. If, for
example, you are working with a database that you are sure does not contain
viruses, simply add its files as an exclusion (see 6.9 on pg. 64).
To pause an individual protection component:
Open the application main window, select component under
click Pause.
Component status will change to
. The component will be paused un-
til the application is restarted or until the component is reactivated by clicking
Resume operation.
When you pause the component, statistics for the current Kaspersky Anti-
Virus session are saved and will continue to be recorded after the compo-
nent is updated.
To stop an individual protection component:
Open the application main window, select component under
click Stop.
Component status will then change to
while component name un-
will become inactive (grayed out). Protection offered by the
component in question will be disabled until re-enabled by clicking Enable.
Any protection component may also be shut down from the application set-
tings window. Open the settings window, select component under
, and uncheck
Enable <component name>
When a protection component is disabled, all the statistics from previous
work are cleared and when the component is started they are recorded over.
protection components are also disabled if your computer‟s real-
time protection is stopped (see 6.1.2 on pg. 56).
Restoring protection on your
If at some point you paused or stopped real-time protection on your computer,
you can resume it using one of the following methods: