Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
section contains information
on application updates: database publica-
tion date and virus signature record count.
Appropriate links may be used to start an
update, view a detailed report, configure
updates, and roll an update back to a pre-
vious version.
Reports and data files
may be used to
view a detailed report on any application
component, a virus scan or update task
(see 15.3 on pg. 163), and work with ob-
jects placed in quarantine (see 15.1 on pg.
158) or backup storage (see 15.2 on pg.
section is used to handle
keys required for the applications to be fully
functional (see Chapter 14 on pg. 155).
If a key is not installed, it is recommended
that it be purchased without delay and that
the application be activated (see 3.2.2 on
pg. 32).
If a key is installed, this section shows in-
formation on the type of key used and its
expiration date. Once a current key ex-
pires, it may be renewed at the Kaspersky
Lab website.
section provides information
on Technical Support available to Kas-
persky Anti-Virus registered users.
Each element of the navigation panel is accompanied by a special context menu.
The menu contains points for the protection components that help the user quick-
ly configure them, manage them, and view reports. There is an additional menu
item for virus scan tasks that allows you to create your own task, by modifying a
copy of an existing task.
You can change the appearance of the program by creating and using your own
graphics and color schemes.