Technical support via Internet and hot phone-line provided by Ven-
dor and/or Reseller;
Virus detection and disinfection updates in 24-hours period
Support Services are provided only if and when you have the latest ver-
sion of the Software (including maintenance packs) as available on the
official Kaspersky Lab website (www.kaspersky.com) installed on your
3. Ownership Rights
. The Software is protected by copyright laws. Kaspersky
Lab and its suppliers own and retain all rights, titles and interests in and to the
Software, including all copyrights, patents, trademarks and other intellectual
property rights therein. Your possession, installation, or use of the Software does
not transfer any title to the intellectual property in the Software to you, and you
will not acquire any rights to the Software except as expressly set forth in this
4. Confidentiality
. You agree that the Software and the Documentation, including
the specific design and structure of individual programs constitute confidential
proprietary information of Kaspersky Lab. You shall not disclose, provide, or oth-
erwise make available such confidential information in any form to any third party
without the prior written consent of Kaspersky Lab. You shall implement reason-
able security measures to protect such confidential information, but without limi-
tation to the foregoing shall use best endeavours to maintain the security of the
activation code.
5. Limited Warranty
Kaspersky Lab warrants that for six (6) months from first download or in-
stallation the Software purchased on a physical medium will perform sub-
stantially in accordance with the functionality described in the Documenta-
tion when operated properly and in the manner specified in the Documen-
You accept all responsibility for the selection of this Software to meet your
requirements. Kaspersky Lab does not warrant that the Software and/or
the Documentation will be suitable for such requirements nor that any use
will be uninterrupted or error free.
Kaspersky Lab does not warrant that this Software identifies all known
viruses, nor that the Software will not occasionally erroneously report a vi-
rus in a title not infected by that virus.
Your sole remedy and the entire liability of Kaspersky Lab for breach of
the warranty at paragraph (i) will be at Kaspersky Lab option, to repair, re-
place or refund of the Software if reported to Kaspersky Lab or its desig-
nee during the warranty period. You shall provide all information as may