Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
computer is properly protected while yellow and red are indications of
various problems in Kaspersky Anti-Virus configuration or operation.
To obtain detailed troubleshooting information and speedy problem res-
olution, use the Security Wizard which opens when the security threat
notification link is clicked.
Figure 2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus main window
Navigation Pane (left part of window):
provides fast and easy access to
any component, virus scan task execution, updates, application support
the right part of the window, the
panel, contains information
on the protection component selected in the left part of the window and
displays settings for each of them, giving you tools to carry out virus
scans, work with quarantined files and backup copies, manage license
keys, and so on.
After selecting a section or component in the left part of the window, you will find
information in the right-hand part that matches your selection.
We will now examine the elements in the main window‟s navigation panel in
greater detail.