(53) External output terminal connection setting 4 : This function is not used with the standard machine.
Function No. : 079
Function : Setting of the output device of the external output terminal
Item : 1 Output terminal 9 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 9 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 9 can be freely changed.
Item : 2 Output terminal 10 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 10 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 10 can be freely changed.
Item : 3 Output terminal 11 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 11 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 11 can be freely chnged.
(54) External output terminal connection setting 5 : This function is not used with the standard machine.
Function No. : 080
Function : Setting of the output device of the external output terminal
Item : 1 Output terminal 12 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 12 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 12 can be freely changed.
Item : 2 Output terminal 13 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 13 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 13 can be freely changed.
Item : 3 Output terminal 14 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 14 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 14 can be freely changed.
(55) External output terminal connection setting 6 : This function is not used with the standard machine.
Function No. : 081
Function : Setting of the output device of the external output terminal
Item : 1 Output terminal 15 setting
(Set level 2)
[Contents] No connection : Initial setting
1 to 16
[Contents] The output device of the external output 15 is set to the terminal
number. By this setting, the signal output device of the external
output 15 can be freely changed.