If more than 1 option is enabled for options 09, 10, and 11 the lowest attribute number
takes precedence. If options 09 and 10 are both enabled the zone follows the normally closed
loop configuration.
Fast Loop/Normal Loop Response
ON: Follows a fast loop response of 50ms.
OFF: Follows a normal loop response as programmed in the Zone Loop Response Time section.
2-Way Audio Attribute
ON: Panel is able to initiate a 2 way audio session.
OFF: Only the microphone turns on, initiating a a Listen-in only session. The speaker remains off.
Hold Up Verification
ON: An alarm from zones of this type can contribute to a verified hold up alarm. Use this attribute
with Panic and Hold Up zones.
OFF: An alarm from zones of this type does not contribute to a verified hold up alarm. The zone
does not cause the hold up verification timer to start counting down, or generate a verified hold up
if the alarm is detected while the timer is running.
System Times
This section describes how to program various timers applicable to the entire alarm system.
[000] – System Area
Bell Cutoff Time
System sirens follow this timer. Fire alarms follow this timer if section [014] option 8 (Fire Bell
Continues Option) is off. System tampers follow this timer. The bell cutoff time is programmed in
minutes. Valid entries are 001 to 255 minutes.
Keypad buzzer alarms do not follow this timer.
Bell Delay Time
The Bell Delay Timer determines how long the bell will be delayed after a zone alarm event. Valid
entries are 000-255 where 000 disables this feature.
Burglary Verification Timer
If another zone with the Burglary Verification attribute enabled is violated within the duration of
this timer, a burglary verified event is communicated and logged. “Burglary Verified” is displayed
on the keypad when the system is disarmed.
The burglary verification timer is programmed in minutes. Valid entries are 000 to 255 minutes.
Holdup Verification Timer
A holdup alarm is immediately communicated to the monitoring station and the holdup verification
timer starts. A programmable counter determines the number of additional holdup events that
must occur before the timer expires to create a verified holdup event. Once this happens, the
holdup event is logged and communicated.
Not for use with UL/ULC listed installations. 000 disables this feature.
Zone Loop Response Time
Loop response time is a 3-digit entry from 005 to 255 programmed in 10ms increments. The
minimum available loop response time is 50ms (e.g., program 005 for 50ms).
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference