Keypad Zone/PGM Wiring
Hardwired devices can be connected to hardwired keypads with inputs (zone) or outputs (PGM).
This saves from running wires back to the control panel for every device.
To connect a zone device to HS2LCD, HS2ICON, HS2LED and HS2TCHP keypads, run one wire to the
P/Z terminal and the other to B. For powered devices, use red and black to supply power to the
device. Run the red wire to the R (positive) terminal and the black wire to the B (negative) terminal.
Keypad zones support Normally Closed Loops, Single End of Line and Double End of Line.
To connect the PGM output, run one wire to the P/Z terminal and the other to R.
Figure 8: Keypad Terminals
When using end of line supervision, connect the zone according to one of the
configurations outlined in
. End of line resistors must be placed on the device end
of the loop, not at the keypad.
Assigning Keypad Zones
When using keypad zone inputs, each input used must be assigned a zone number in Installer
First, ensure that you have enrolled all installed keypads into the desired slots (
). Next, assign keypad zones by entering programming section [861]-[876], subsection 011
for keypads 1-16. Enter a 3-digit zone number for each of the keypad zones. This number must be
programmed into the slot location that the keypad is assigned to.
If a keypad zone input is assigned to zone number 1 to 8, the corresponding zone
cannot be used on the main control panel.
Once the keypad zones are assigned, you must also program zone definitions and zone attributes.
HSM2955 Wiring
For wiring information refer to HSM2955 Installation manual.
Alternate Communicator Wiring
See Alternate Communicator installation manual.
Zone Wiring
Power down the alarm controller and complete all zone wiring.
Zones can be wired to supervise normally open devices (e.g., smoke detectors) or normally closed
devices (e.g., door contacts). The alarm panel can also be programmed for single end-of-line or
double end-of-line resistors.
Zone programming is done using the following programming sections:
• [001] selects zone definition
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference