[808] HSM2955 Label
Use this section to create a custom label for the 2-way wireless transceiver.
[809][001]-[004] HS2300 Power Supply Label
Use this section to create custom labels for power supplies on the system. Select 001-004 for power
supply 1-4.
[810][001]-[004] HS2204 High-Current Output Supply Label
Use this section to create custom labels for high-current output supplies on the system. Select
001-004 for output supply 1-4.
[815] Alternate Communicator Label
Use this section to create a custom label for the alternate communicator.
[820][001]-[016] Siren Labels
Use this section to create custom labels for sirens on the system. Select 001-016 for sirens 1-16.
[821][001]-[008] Repeater Labels
Use this section to create custom labels for wireless repeaters on the system. Select 001-008 for
repeater 1-8.
[999][Installer Code][999] Default Labels
This section is used to return all labels to factory settings. Installer code is required to verify
Zone Setup
The following section describes zone programming options. To program a zone type, first enter
section [001] and then enter a 3 digit zone number from 001 - 128. After entering a new zone type
for the desired zone number, the keypad will automatically advance to the next zone.
[001] AssignZone Types
A zone type defines how a zone operates within the system and how it responds when triggered.
000 - Null Zone
040 - 24-Hour Gas
001 - Delay 1
041 - 24-Hour CO
002 - Delay 2
042 - 24-Hour Holdup*
003 - Instant
043 - 24-Hour Panic
004 - Interior
045 - 24-Hour Heat
005 - Interior Stay/Away
046 - 24-Hour Medical*
006 - Delay Stay/Away
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference