• To silence a fire or CO alarm from a global keypad requires that the global keypad be loaned to
one of the partitions the zone is assigned.
The LCD keypad displays "Bell Silenced" after a fire or CO alarm is silenced with a user
code. The display is cleared when all the fire zones or CO zones have been restored on system.
Bell/PGM Support
PGMs must be assigned to one or more partitions. See section [007] for partition assignment.
Bell PGM type requires supervision and follows arming squawks by partition.
Account codes are assigned to all system and partition events.
For SIA communications, a single account code (programmed in section [310][000]) is used for all
events. The partition is identified via Nri1-8. System events use Nri0.
When using communication formats other than SIA, individual account codes can be programmed
Assign Zones
Partition zone assignments are completed using sections [201] - [208] for partitions 1 - 8.
Subsections [001 - 016] are then used to enable or disable banks of 8 zones on the partition.
Assign Users
Acess [*][5] using the master code, select the desired user code and enter digit 4 to modify the
partitions that can accept the user code.
Factory Defaults
Individual modules, as well as the alarm panel itself, can have their programming returned to
factory default settings. Hardware is defaulted via the following Installer Programming sections:
• [991] Default Keypads
- – Default all keypad programming
- 001-016 – Default keypads 1-8
• [993] Default alternate communicator
• [996] Default wireless receiver
• [998] Default HSM2955
• [999] Default system
Default All labels
Use programming section [000][999]. The following labels are returned to factory default settings:
• Zone Label
• Partition Labels
• Module Labels
• Partition 1-8 Command Output 1 to 4 Labels
• Schedule 1 to 4 Labels
• Event Labels
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference