3. Use the number keys to assign partitions.
4. Press [#] to exit.
The master code has access to all partitions and cannot be modified.
Using an LED/ICON keypad:
5. Press [*][5][Master/Supervisor Code].
6. Key in the access code of the user.
7. Key in [4]. A zone lights illuminates to indicate which partition the user is currently assigned
to. (e.g., if zone light 1 is on, the code is assigned to partition 1).
8. Press the keypad number key corresponding to the appropriate partition (e.g., press 1 to
assign the user to partition 1).
User Authentication Options
About this task:
The alarm panel can be configured to accept one of two user authentication methods:
1. User code or proximity tag - the user can access the system by entering a valid code or by
presenting a proximity tag.
2. User code and proximity tag - the user must enter a valid code and present a proximity tag
to access the system. The user code and proximity tag must match. For example, if the tag
is associated with user 0004, user code 0004 must be entered after presenting the tag. Any
other user code is treated as invalid.
An access code does not have to be programmed in order for a proximity tag or
wireless key to be operational.
[*][6] User Functions
The [*][6] command provides access to functions described below. If section [023] option 8 is on,
any user code can access this menu. If option 7 is off, only the master code can access this menu.
Event Buffer
Menu: [*][6][Master Code] ; Event Buffer
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] ; [*]
This option is used to view system events stored in the event buffer.
Events are listed in the order they occurred, starting with the most recent. The time and date are
listed for all events. Some events may have a second screen with a description. An asterisk (*) on
the first screen indicates that a second screen is available.
If programmed, the event buffer automatically uploads to DLS/SA when it reaches 75% capacity.
System Test
Menu: [*][6][Master Code] > System Test
Keypad: [*][6][Master Code] + 04
Select this option to test the alarm system's bell output, keypad buzzer and lights, communicator
and standby battery.
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference