7.45 Error Frame Second Window (s)
Error Frame Second Window (s)
parameter specifies the error frame second when any
error frames are received at the port within one second. If the error frame seconds within a certain
time period reach the specified upper threshold, link event alarms are reported. The time period
in which error frames are received is called the error frame second window.
Impact on the System
After you set the
Error Frame Second Window (s)
Error Frame Second Threshold (s)
parameters, link event alarms are reported if the actual error frame seconds in the link reach the
specified upper threshold.
Valid Values
Default Value
10-900, in step length of 1
Configuration Guidelines
Set the value according to the monitoring time period.
Make sure that the value of
Error Frame Second Window (s)
is not less than that of
Frame Second Threshold (s)
Relationship with Other Parameters
Set the
Error Frame Second Window (s)
parameter together with the
Error Frame Second
Threshold (s)
7.46 Error Frame Second Threshold(s)
Error Frame Second Threshold(s)
parameter specifies the second during which error
frames are received at the port. If the error frame seconds within a certain time period reach the
specified upper threshold, a link event alarm is reported. The upper threshold is called the error
frame second threshold.
Impact on the System
After you set the
Error Frame Second Threshold (s)
parameter, link event alarms are reported
if the actual error frame seconds in the link reach the specified upper threshold.
7 List of Parameters
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)