Configuration Guidelines
Select the value according to the network. Generally, select C-VLAN and S-VLAN allocated
by the carrier.
Relationship with Other Parameters
7.29 VLAN ID (For Creation of Ethernet Virtual Private
VLAN ID-- stands for virtual local area network identifier. If port+VLAN is selected in the
policy of using a port, you can select different VLAN IDs (1-4095) to represent different Ethernet
Impact on the System
The system operation is not affected.
Value Range
Default Value
1 to 4095
Configuration Guidelines
The value range is relevant to the encapsulation format of the P port (Per-NE configuration).
In the case of Martinioe, the value ranges from 16 to 1023. In the case of stack VLAN, the
value ranges from 1 to 4095.
The VLAN IDs at both ends of a link must be the same. In the case of different Ethernet
services, you can set the VLAN ID to different values.
Relationship with Other Parameters
This parameter is valid only when you set "Flow Type" to "Port+VLAN".
7.30 Bridge Learning Mode (Ethernet LAN Service)
Bridge Learning Mode
Ethernet LAN Service
) indicates how the bridge learns the MAC
Bridge Learning Mode
is classified into the shared VLAN learning and independent
VLAN learning modes. The shared VLAN learning mode indicates learning and forwarding
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
7 List of Parameters
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.