Gentier Real-Time PCR System
Figure D-8. New Analysis window
▶ The application software provides user with six analysis methods:
Abs Quant, Rel Quant,
Melting Curve, High Resolution Melting, Genotyping
End PointFluorescence
Select Stage
: user can choose the stages that need to be analyzed.
Select Step
: user can choose the step that need to be analyzed.
Analysis Method
: shown the current anlysis method for the current step/stage.
User can choose the relevant data analysis method and click
< OK>
to confirm. Abs Quant
The absolute quantification experiment is intended to quantify the amount of an interest nucleic
acid. Samples with unknown initial nucleic acid quantities are amplified as well as a dilution
series of gene-specific standard samples with known concentrations. The measured Ct values of
the standard samples are plotted against their known concentrations to obtain a regression line
named standard curve. The initial nucleic acid quantities of the samples can be obtained by
plotting their Ct values on the standard curve.
The relative quantification analysis interface consists of seven functional modules:
Amplification Curve, Standard Curve, Sample Setting, Result Table, Raw Curve, Raw
Heat Map
. The relative quantification analysis interface is divided into four
areas. When user enter the analysis interface, the application software displays four functional