SCPI Commands Overview
Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
Port Administration Commands
The following table lists the commands available for the
administration of pulse and data ports.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:TVOLtage” on page 137
Specifies the termination voltage of a trigger output
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:TVOLtage?” on page 138
Returns the current termination voltage of the trigger
output connector.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:IMPedance:EXTernal” on page 138
Specifies the external termination IMPedance.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:IMPedance:EXTernal?” on page 138
Returns the current programmed external termination
impedance (load impedance).
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:MODE” on page 139
Selects the source of the trigger output.
“:<Handle>[:CGRoup(*)][:SOURce]:TRIGger:MODE?” on page 139
Returns the actual source used for the trigger signal.
Command (Link to detailed description)
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:<Handle>:SGENeral:INFormation:PCLasses?” on page 141
Returns the list of implemented port classes in a comma
separated quoted string list.
“:APPend” on page 300
Creates and appends a new port to the list of ports.
“:LIST?” on page 301
Returns a comma-separated list of port names.
“:ATYPes?” on page 301
Returns a comma-separated list of available predefined port
“:DELete” on page 301
Deletes the port specified by the suffix of PPULse.
“:REName” on page 302
Renames the port specified by the suffix of PPULse.
“:NAME?” on page 302
Returns the name of the specified port.
“:NUMBer?” on page 302
Returns the number of the specified port.
“:TYPE?” on page 303
Returns the type of the specified port.
“:MUX” on page 201
Sets the frequency multiply factor (MUX factor) for the specified
“:MUX?” on page 201
Returns the current frequency multiply factor (MUX factor) for
the specified port.
“:OUTPut:IMPedance:EXTernal” on page 273
Sets the external termination impedance
“:OUTPut:IMPedance:EXTernal?” on page 273
Returns the currently programmed value for the termination
(load) impedance for the connectors of the specified port.
“:CALibration:CDELay” on page 303
Sets a cable delay for the specified port, to synchronize the
signals at the DUT terminals.
“:CALibration:CDELay?” on page 303
Returns the current cable delay for the specified port.
“:SPECies?” on page 304
Returns the species (electrical or optical) of the specified port.
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