Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
The Command Tree
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
The following commands could be linked:
:_TEST:cgr1:mod2:conn4:puls:del 6e-9
:_TEST:cgr1:mod2:conn4:puls:width 20e-9
:_TEST:cgr1:mod2:conn4:puls:tran:lead 5e-9
:_TEST:cgr1:mod2:conn4:puls:tran:trail 2e-9
The linked form would be:
:_TEST:cgr1:mod2:conn4:puls:del 6e-9;width 20e-9;
tran:lead 5e-9;trail 2e-9
The Command Tree
The Agilent 81250 SCPI command interface consists of a tree of
commands. The branches and sub-branches of this tree are referred to
as subsystems. Each subsystem contains a group of related commands.
At the root of the command tree, there are two types of branches
• the DVT subsystem (always available)
• virtual instrument subsystems identified by the handle associated
to the instrument
Both are described in
“DVT Subsystem and Virtual Instruments” on
page 33
Many parameters can be specified on port, terminal and connector
level. These aspects are discussed in
“Multiple Parameter Access” on
page 34
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